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Continuously optimizing SAP Commerce with DevOps


Offer a unified and personalized shopping experience through every touchpoint – both online and offline – for all your customers.

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Get a team of dedicated professionals at your disposal with knowledge of the technology, process and people triangle? With DevOps you choose for continuous optimization.

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Customer since


Providing your customers with an experience online just as good as offline. That’s the goal Maiburg has in mind. With the help of Acorel, they are using DevOps to optimize their SAP Commerce platform. They have added several functionalities to the webshop, such as a favorites list, to improve the customer experience. Wondering how they achieved this? Then read quickly further!

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Flexible optimization

Maiburg is a technical wholesaler with a complete range of materials and techniques in the field of adhesives, sanding materials and sheet metal. To take follow-up steps on their e-commerce platform, they were looking for a partner who could assist them in a flexible way. They found it in Acorel.  Jordi van Engelen, product owner at Maiburg, says: “In the past we were completely dependent on one developer. When there were problems with the e-commerce platform, we were completely dependent on that developer. Moreover, when we needed ideas and inspiration, we were limited to just one person. With Acorel’s multidisciplinary team, we are now working together for more continuity and quality. This team is responsible for filling our needs, sharing inspiration and achieving results. In emergency situations, the team’s flexibility and their ability to act quickly is invaluable.”

Meeting customer expectations

The main goal for Maiburg is to respond to the emerging importance of a unique customer experience in the B2B market. A major upgrade had to take place to meet these expectations and optimize the speed of the platform. Herein also immediately lay the biggest challenge. “To work on the speed of the webshop, you are not only dependent on SAP Commerce, but also on your ERP system,” Jordi explains. “After all, we work with real-time stocks and prices. Even if you have everything well set up on the commerce side, if you want to tinker with the system you are dependent on several parties. The cooperation between those parties then has to be really very good to get optimal results there.”

A special collaboration

Acorel started with the question “Which web shop optimizations are going to make the biggest difference in the future? With this question in mind, a plan was made to optimize the platform in a short period of time. During weekly stand-ups it was discussed what had been done, what the plans were for the coming week and what challenges lay ahead. Thanks to sprints with review sessions, there were great plans to take more and more steps in the online environment. Jordi: “We are most proud of the major upgrade that has been done. Weeks of development preceded this. Looking back on the project, I think we got through it very smoothly. The process ran smoothly and we were able to move quickly in the test phase to do the checks. That also makes the cooperation so special, we are in constant contact and it really feels like we are colleagues. Together you know exactly what needs to be done and it’s nice to have someone who can switch gears immediately.”

Achieving results together

So what DevOps and optimizing SAP Commerce Maiburg really delivers? Jordi: “Because of all the new improvements, we see that the customer experience is improving by leaps and bounds. With the positive effect of a growth in the number of customers using our commerce environment. In this way we can also better relieve our sales staff when it comes to questions about delivery times, stock quantities and prices. This allows them to do what they do best – help professionals get ahead.”

Do you, like Maiburg, want to optimize your e-commerce platform? Our specialists are happy to think along with you. Get in touch with us.